Reiki Master Certification
The Reiki Master program at MHC is an intense twelve week course of study that takes you on a journey of personal exploration and transformation, providing the confidence and mastery of Reiki for you to be at the top of this growing field.
This comprehensive program provides the attunements and knowledge needed to become an accomplished Reiki Master, empowering you to teach all levels of Usui Reiki, including the Master level.
I developed this course over ten years ago, and it has consistently equipped graduates with the confidence and skills needed to practice Reiki professionally. Unlike traditional classes, this program emphasizes extensive practical training on essential topics, including raising your vibration, purification methods, energetic hygiene, creating sacred space, karma, ethics, boundaries, protection, and so many more integral skills for a Reiki Master. Additionally, we cover crucial business skills, such as starting, maintaining, and marketing your own Reiki practice.
With over 200 hours of learning and practice included in this course, you will genuinely earn the title of Reiki Master. A significant emphasis is placed on supervised practice to help you refine your skills. To receive certification, students are required to participate in three Reiki Healing clinics, one Reiki Share, and complete three case studies, along with regular homework assignments.
This class is ideal for anyone ready to advance their training as a Reiki healer with the intention of private practice AND for any student seeking to launch forward on their path of personal development. We welcome students from all backgrounds, including those who have trained with other teachers and are looking to expand their knowledge and confidence.

Registration is now open for our next
Reiki Master Certification Course
Nov 2024-Feb 2025
So Many Benefits of the Reiki Master Program at Muktinath…..
No better way to make friends fast than by making the brave choice to make the jump out of the comfort zone and into the learning zone, quite literally in this case! Strong community is the foundation that sets Muktinath and this program apart from any other. Start as a stranger and end with not just one but lots of friends that are like-mind souls committed on the same journey as you!
If you are reading this page we already KNOW you, a seeker of wisdom, yearning to scratch beyond the surface and dive deeply into the fascinating world of energy. This course provides just that, with a manual so heavy you need a suitcase by the end (so not kidding-a few of our students did just that!) and a solid footing in discernment and intuition to guide you on your lifelong journey of learning.
How many times have you put everyone and everything else first? STOP this now. You are worth so much more! If not now, then when? There is ALWAYS excuses, stop allowing those excuses to get in the way of your dreams. When you register for this course you are telling the world that you are done with being last. YOU become the most important person in your life and in your world!
We promise you that this course will push you but by the end of your 12 weeks you will feel ready to step out into the world and shout out with confidence that you are a Reiki MASTER! You will be able to completely understand and apply all your learning to dazzle your clients with your clarity, strength, and knowledge.
You have a great big, beautiful, and compassionate heart. You are sensitive, kind, and want to help others. Though this program you will explore advanced concepts in energy healing, including how to protect yourself from negativity and others intense emotions. This makes you a STRONG HEALER and you can help more souls and feel safe, strong, and energized!
Yes, of course, this program will launch you in your holistic health career but it is also a top notch program for personal development and transformation. Through the intensive nature of this program you will peel off the layers of heaviness, inauthenticity and fear to discover the bright and shiny YOU that has been there the whole time and is ready to shine.
Our reviews speak a thousand words….
“Well, its taken me a while to write this review. I feel its because there’s a certain challenge to express in words the nature or experience of being touched so deeply by another person. Sierra remains a wise and precious soul. She is the embodiment of grace, thoughtfulness and a gentle warrior. She exudes compassion, integrity and confidence in her healing power. Overall and most dear to my heart she has become a wonderful friend. I feel honored to have had the opportunity to have both observed and learned from her in a myriad of ways over the years. Her Reiki Plus Masters class was phenomenal. My early education in Reiki I and II felt extremely diluted in comparison, lacking a certain depth and honor of this incredible healing modality. Over a three month period Sierra shared her own experiences with Reiki with our group and assisted us in connecting with our own inner strength, gifts and spiritual guides. We reviewed and renewed Reiki I and II. We had the opportunity to ask loads of questions and even more time to practice all of the wonderfully structured theory that was neatly presented to us week by week. We tapped into the healing power of crystals during the class, learned a bit about space clearing, keeping our own energy bodies pure and clear and how to hold space for others. We discussed starting and maintaining our own practices and thoroughly prepared ourselves on all levels to share the sacred art of Reiki with our own future students. We received personal and group support during any emotional or physical processes that arose during the course and had so much hands on experience passing attunements that I could probably pass them in my sleep. Sierra creates and holds a beautiful space of genuine trust, humor and joy. I’m so grateful to have been her student and highly recommend her as a spiritual teacher to anyone interested in transforming their inner and outer world. “
— Gina Q
MHC Reiki Student’s are:
Aspiring Healers: Individuals looking to deepen their healing practices and become certified Reiki Masters.
Personal Development Seekers: Those on a journey of self-discovery and transformation seeking tools for growth.
Holistic Practitioners: Professionals in wellness fields who want to expand their skill set and integrate Reiki into their offerings.
Those with Prior Reiki Training: Individuals who have trained with other teachers and wish to enhance their knowledge and confidence.
Therapists & Counsellors: Individuals who wish to create a safe and healing space for their clientele and to incorporate a simple no touch energy healing into their existing practice.
Wellness Coaches & Mindfulness Practitioners: Those interested in exploring the intersection of Reiki and mindfulness or meditation practices.
Anyone Curious About Energy Work: Individuals who are open to exploring new paths in healing and personal empowerment. Remember Reiki enhances all other healing modalities and can be applied to benefit all business and industry.
Community Builders: Those wanting to connect with like-minded individuals and create supportive networks in the healing community.
Reiki Master Certification Course Outline….
Each module is typically taught over the course of a day, with each morning focused on lecture while our minds are alert and programmed for learning and each afternoon is our clinical practice time. The lectures are deep and interactive, allowing for active participation and discussion. Clinical practice varies by module, focusing on topics such as giving and receiving attunements, applying newly learned skills to your Reiki practice, and individual healing sessions.
Below is a simple outline of each day, though it only highlights a fraction of the topics we will cover throughout this 12-week program.
Lecture: Course Overview. Statement of Intension. Reiki Journaling. Review Reiki I (What is Reiki, Reiki Ideals and Pillars, 10 steps of Reiki Healing) . Energy Hygiene. Cords of Attachment. Sacred Space.
Clinical: Meet Your Reiki Guides. Reiki I Attunement. Meditation with Reiki.
Lecture: Review Reiki II. Power Symbol. Distance Symbol. Mental/Emotional Symbol. Ethics and Distance Healing protocols. Self-protection. Ancestral Healing. Legal Considerations.
Clinical: Reiki II Attunement. Distance Reiki Healing.
Lecture: Body Systems. Brain Anatomy. Common Illnesses & Body Systems. Emotional Origins of illness. Developing Intuition.
Clinical: Reiki with the Body Systems.
Lecture: Chakras and Energy Body (location, structure, function, purpose). Animal Chakras. Earth Chakras.
Clinical: Case Studies in Chakras. Common Illnesses & Chakra relationship. Chakras and Pendulums. Reiki for Chakra Healing.
Lecture: Methods of Purification for Self/Client/Space. Healing Crisis. Colors of Healing. Raising Vibration.
Clinical: Application of integrated learning from modules 1-5. Preparation for Reiki Master Attunement.
Lecture: Review Modules 1-5. Master Symbols.
Clinical: Reiki Master Attunement. Practice with Reiki Master symbols.
Lecture: Reiki Breathwork. Microcosmic Orbit. Psychic Surgery. First Aid. Polarity.
Clinical: Adv Techniques Reiki Practice.
Lecture: Teaching Considerations Reiki I & II. Attunement Process. Preparing for Attunements.
Clinical: Practice Reiki I & II Attunements.
Lecture: Crystals (identification, function, purpose, usage). Crystal grids. Antahkarana Symbol.
Clinical: Crystal Healing, Crystals & Pendulums, Reiki Crystal Healing.
Lecture: Practice Management & Development. Reiki Business. Advertising/Marketing. Pricing. Legal Considerations. Insurance.
Clinical: Professional Image. Application and practice of modules 1-9.
Lecture: Teaching Considerations Reiki Master. Attunement Process. Preparing for Attunements.
Clinical: Practice Reiki Master Attunements.
Lecture: Final Q & A. Misc Topics. Review of course requirements. Reiki Community.
Clinical: Reiki Master Attunements. Presentation of certificates. Closing ceremonies.

Discover the skills and confidence you need to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others—your path to mastery begins here!
And More Testimonials from our MHC Reiki Master Certification Program
Rewards of Choosing Reiki Master Certification at MHC
Deep Personal Transformation: Experience profound shifts in your personal and spiritual growth.
Advanced Healing Skills: Gain mastery in advanced Reiki techniques and practices.
Comprehensive Knowledge: Learn about energy work, healing modalities, and the principles of Reiki in depth.
Confidence in Practice: Develop the skills and assurance needed to practice and teach Reiki professionally.
Community Connection: Build lasting relationships with like-minded individuals and a supportive network of fellow practitioners.
Business Acumen: Acquire essential skills for starting, maintaining, and marketing your own Reiki practice.
Supervised Practice: Benefit from hands-on training and mentorship to refine your techniques.
Empowerment: Become a powerful facilitator of healing for yourself and others.
Certification: Achieve recognition as a certified Reiki Master, opening doors to new opportunities.
Lifelong Skills: Equip yourself with tools and techniques that can be applied to various aspects of life and healing.
Reiki Master Certification MHC Tuition
This premiere Reiki Master Certification course is a steal at only $1888 prepay in full (that is only $157 per week!).
Or if you need an extended pay option, you can choose to pay weekly at $166 per week (+deposit for total $2292).
Non-refundable (for any reason) deposit of $300 required to hold your registration. Register NOW as class size limited!
Tuition includes:
12 full days (142 hours) of learning and approximately 35-60 additional hours of study and practice outside of class hours (If you complete all assignments and practice this course has over 200 hours of learning!)
All 12 live modules and links to download the recordings for you to keep forever
An extensive Reiki Master Manual, crafted by Sierra, includes notes from all 12 modules and is filled with easy-to-follow tools that you can implement immediately and share with your future clients.
William Rand’s Reiki Master manual (he is credited with the emergence of Reiki in our everyday world here in the USA)
A professional sealed certificate suitable for framing
Frequently Asked Questions….
Yes, just as a college or university would require primary and secondary school. We require that you have completed your Reiki I and Reiki II Certification courses. However, these courses need not have been completed at Muktinath. If you received training elsewhere you will need to show us your certificate to complete your registration.
Complete 3 Case Studies (12 hours) & Summary
Participate in 3 of our Reiki Healing Clinics (offered monthly)
Participate in 1 Reiki Share (offered monthly)
Complete all weekly Homework (this is not collected but we will know-and honestly why miss out on so much awesome development?!)
Attend or Listen to ALL 12 modules and read all content.
We make it possible to complete by your final day of class but you are welcome to take the time you need to complete all the requirements. There is no time limit to complete this course.
The answer is it depends….
Lectures are available as recordings but MUST be listened to before the next class. You will also be responsible to make up missed clinical time.
However a few modules have material that can be harder to understand via recordings and may be harder to make up.
We suggest you reach out and let us offer possible solutions.
Yes! Most of the curriculum is available via zoom and just as wonderful as in person!
Please understand though that this course is NOT designed for independent online or recorded only completion. It is our goal to make you TRULY A MASTER of Reiki and that is really only possible with at lease some Live participation.
We suggest reaching out if you are curious but unsure if this program can fit your needs.
Yes, the Reiki attunements are just as powerful when received remotely via distance (and in our experience sometimes are felt even stronger).
We keep our Reiki Master program intentionally small for intimate learning and plenty of time for through Q&A. There is typically less than 10 students per course session.
The Reiki Master Certification Program at Muktinath consists of 12 full days (142 hours) of learning and approximately 35-60 additional hours of study and practice outside of class hours. If you complete all assignments and practice this course has over 200 hours of learning!
Most local and online Reiki Master programs are 1-2 weekends in duration.
We firmly believe that nobody can become a master of anything in 1-2 weekends! When you receive the Reiki Master title at the end of this program you feel like you EARNED it!
The depth of this program gives you the confidence that you can handle any situation that you might encounter professionally and true mastery of all the tools for you to be at the top of this growing field.
The time spent in this course will create transformation inside and out. At the completion of our program our students have overcome their fears, learned who they are inside , and feel empowered in all areas of their life!
That is a great question! We are committed to your successful completion of this course, and this is not just completion of all the course requirements.
We want to see you moving up that scale of vibration to be the clearest channel of Reiki energy! This always means that there is a letting go of all the stuff that was the lower vibration. Sometimes this comes out emotionally so we are right here for you through the entire process.
On day one you will receive your Reiki Buddy, your partner (who by the end often becomes your new best friend) to hold hands with for this transformational journey.
Every week you will receive Reiki Healing either in the class time or when completing your homework.
You get access to all our Reiki Masters who have been through our program and LOVE helping you on your journey. You can easily access them at MHC events or via our social media.
And if that is still not enough, or you are a true spiritual junky trying to transform into your best you- Sierra offers students a significant discount on one-on-one healing sessions while you are enrolled in the course. You will have access to these sessions as often as you like or need for only $108 a session (session prices full value range from $188-$333).
Please note crystal dreaming is not included in this offer, however you are not limited to only Reiki Healing with Sierra, you are invited to try other modalities in your session if desired.
For every module we have a group sharing and discussion of homework, review of the prior week, and Q&A. We have interactive lecture to cover the module of the day. We often then take a later lunch and then go into our clinical portion of the day, our time to practice the techniques we learned. We wrap up with some feedback and a generous dollop of inspiration and encouragement for the week ahead.
Occasionally we break up the module into two half day programs. Please make sure you pay attention to all the dates and times on the class registration page.
Short answer is YES!
Almost every session has students that have completed Reiki Master training elsewhere. Most often they join us because they feel something was missing in their program or they do not feel confident enough to offer healings to the public. Sometimes they are simply wanting to learn from multiple masters or interested in the personal development aspect of this program.
Honestly we have never had anyone want a refund!
Due to the small size of these classes we do not offer any refunds. If you choose to leave the program any unused portion of your tuition will be awarded as scholarship for another student.
If there is a circumstance of inability to complete the program due to accident, illness, injury, or emergency you MAY be offered a differed enrollment for a later course session or application of your tuition for other services. This is at Muktinath’s complete discretion and our decision is final.
Please be aware the receipt of your certificate is dependent on BOTH complete tuition payment and completion of all course requirements. Payment alone does NOT guarantee your course certificate.
The information and techniques in this course do not constitute medical advice. Reiki and medicine are two very different disciplines. You should always remember to seek medical advice from an appropriate medical or mental health professional in the case of serious illness or if you have any concerns about your wellbeing.