Affiliate Online Learning Opportunities

The Consciousness Connection &

The Spiritual Path with Shakti Durga

Namaste Muktinath Community. Many of you may know of Shakti Durga as she has played a major role as a teacher and spiritual guru for Sierra for over 10 years. Shakti Durga has directly and indirectly influenced much of what you have come to love here at Muktinath.

And now, we have great pleasure in partnering with Shakti Durga as an affiliate member of The Consciousness Connection and The Spiritual Path with Shakti Durga to bring you an array of high quality, high vibe online learning opportunities.

Three pathways for spiritual growth

The Consciousness Connection

Scientifically Informed School for Spiritual Personal Development

The Consciousness Connection is a comprehensive seminar series for spiritual personal development, assisting people to marry spirituality with worldly life, bringing more grace, skill and peace to even the most difficult circumstances.

Using the tools and skills taught in The Consciousness Connection, people become empowered to enrich their relationships, uplift their mental, emotional and physical health, increase their inspiration for projects and purpose and begin to live lives of genuine meaning, connection, abundance and wholeness.

Classes in this program are suitable for anyone looking to enhance their quality of life regardless of their degree of spiritual development.

The Spiritual Path

The Spiritual Path is a joy-filled spiritual training program that focuses on cultivating inner illumination through a deep, practical understanding of multi-faith spirituality. The Spiritual Path is a program for those navigating the path to self realization, helping you to avoid spiritual pot holes so you can proceed on your path with ease, grace and flow.

This pathway is open to all spiritual seekers. It is accessible through a series of transformational courses, Satsangs, meditations and other events and ceremonies. The Spiritual Path with Shakti Durga is a world-wide network of grace expressed through diverse voices, experiences and traditions, designed to help you feel the presence of the divine within.

Over the past twenty eight years, Shakti Durga has studied and experienced a vast array of spiritual traditions, paths and practices. Over the course of this ongoing spiritual odyssey, she has taken seemingly impenetrable teachings from ancient wisdom traditions and made them come to life, with practical and transformative application for our times. Other teachings have been contributed by wisdom holders of specific traditions, be it tantra, or native American wisdom.

Classes in this program are best suited for those with curiosity and seeking a richer spiritual experience.

Spiritual Retreats

Spiritual Retreats are powerful and mystical journeys into the world of the extraordinary. Find space from your racing mind, revitalise and heal your physical body, whilst enriching your spiritual journey.  Retreats led by Spiritual Leader Shakti Durga and other Master Healers transform and empower those who attend these exclusive experiences.


You can find offerings for each of these programs below. As always you are welcome to reach out to us with questions and to see if this programing is in alignment with your development at this time.

We are confident you will find the information in these courses spiritually enlightening and receive invaluable tools to aid you in your spiritual development.

If you use our links to sign up for any of the opportunities below a small commission will return to us to further support the healing work we are doing right here at Muktinath.

This is such an exciting opportunity for our entire community and we hope you can take advantage of these fantastic offerings!

****PLEASE BE AWARE ALL CLASSES BELOW ARE NOT LISTED IN USA TIME & DATE. Please be sure you use a time converter and be sure for what you are signing up for. Many programs are available via recordings but please check each program individually.

****Please keep in mind ALL FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION on the links below are in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS NOT USA DOLLARS. There is a significant price difference for us. Paypal has a free current currency converter to see exchange rate in real time.

Current Learning Opportunities

Conflict to Connection

Transform the most difficult parts of your relationships into opportunities for greater understanding, closeness and joy.

Naturally we as human beings are terrified of conflict. We are so afraid of being rejected and abandoned, of being yelled at or shamed, or of hurting other people, that we tend not to want to go there at all. This is not such a surprise. Often, we are not taught how to handle conflict. Sometimes we are even taught that conflict is bad, wrong and leads to the breakdown of relationships.

But by avoiding conflict, we almost inevitably have to repress our truth or try to be something we are not. This is a slippery slope in relationship - one that often leads to a slow erosion of trust and connection. Suddenly we don't know where the distance came from or why it is so hard to relax around each other. Luckily, there are tools and skills that can make us feel safe - both in our relationships, and in ourselves - even when conflict arises.

Open Enrollment Online Course

Learn-at-your-own-pace version of this transformational course from The Consciousness Connection. This course is a game changer for renovating relationships that you can do any time, accessing pre-recorded classes. 

Mystery School Introduction:

For Students of the Mysteries and Seekers of Enlightenment

An introduction session for people interested to know more about Shakti Durga’s Mystery School, online via Zoom.

For new and prospective members and any existing members who wish to attend – approx. 90 mins.

We will look at what the Mystery School is, and how it can support its members to expand their consciousness and awaken to more of the vastness of self in a loving supportive environment.

Choose from either session time:

Sun 15 September: 10am - 11.30am Sydney
New York Sat 8pm, LA Sat 5pm, London 1am

Fri 29 November: 7pm - 8.30pm Sydney
London  8am, New York 3am, LA 12 midnight

River of Love

Connect with the River of Love.

The doorway to more love is guarded by fear, it always was and it always will be. Therefore our capacity to embrace our fears and transmute them, to face our vulnerability and walk through it provides the framework through which we can enter into an experience of more love, more grace and a higher vibration of life. Are you ready to let go and fall into that much Divine Bliss?

Release limitations in the spiritual fire of activated love, and bathe in the joy and bliss of the Divine Mother flowing not just in the Ganga but in all of us.

Yogiraj Amar Jyoti will be joining us for part of this retreat, according to Divine program. He is particularly keen to take us white water rafting upon the Sacred Ganga, an experience he described as “Beautiful!!!”. The experience of nature, the Divine in nature, the exhilaration of water and movement is open to participants who wish to take part.

During this retreat we will focus upon opening to more love than we ever thought possible.

  • More love for the Divine as you perceive Her

  • Closer connections with the ones you love

  • Love for Mother Earth, Sun, Sky and Water

We are born to be joyful, loving, warm, embracing of life and opportunities. We are here to have union, with the infinite and each other. And sometimes the river of love that runs through us can seem like the tide is out, leaving us feeling empty, alone, even feeling separate to the power of real everlasting Oneness and connection. This is an amazing opportunity to fill up, and to open your heart in a new way.

With each retreat or pilgrimage we’ve made to Rishikesh, we have experienced rich blessings, deep transformation and increasing bliss. This retreat promises to be a wonderful spiritual adventure and exploration, culminating in an uplift of consciousness for us all.


Rishikesh, India

14 - 22 November 2024