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The wisdom of the soul is right here.
Medicine Wheel Crystal Healing
Medicine Wheel Crystal Healings offers a unique approach to Crystal Healing by incorporating the traditional Native American medicine wheel, animal spirits, music, and the special healing spirits evoked by each of the crystals. This form of healing is a gift that Grandmother Nancy has been guarded about sharing with outside her native community, but she and other elders agree, that now is the time to share her special way of healing with those who would like to receive it.
The healing varies in duration as it is guided by spirit. Please be prepared to spend 45 to 90 minutes with Grandmother. In this healing you will be lying on the floor on a sacred buffalo rug in the center of a medicine wheel of healing stones. Grandmother may sing, vocalize, dance, rattle, or drum around you as required for your personal healing.
Your Practitioner
Grandmother Nancy Andry
" I had such an amazing experience today at Muktinath with Grandmother Nancy. She placed a medicine wheel on the floor and a buffalo hide on top. Placed crystals around the wheel and me in the center. She called in spirits and ancestors. Such a fabulous experience and so safe with Grandmother!! I will be processing it for weeks. I hope you all go for a session. It was a once in a lifetime event and I am so grateful. " -Peggy B. 2108