Discover your story and reveal your truth.

The wisdom of the soul is right here.

Tarot/ Oracel/ Angel Reading

Tarot, oracle cards and angel cards are all used as a way of accessing your intuition, the power and wisdom of your own inner voice or higher self. Every card deck carries their own imagery, symbolism, and story. Each card is chosen by the reader with the intention of healing and gaining the learning your soul needs to continue its sacred evolution. These intuitive readings can help you to navigate relationships, career, and all aspects of life.

Sessions here at Muktinath are always uplifting in nature and aligned with the highest ethical standard. Every session is not meant for just Q&A. These sessions can ease our heart, bring peace and comfort, and offer us the opportunity to pick up the reins and be empowered in life.

Due to this very high standard please understand this service is not always available. You may also be interested in Shamanic Divination.

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