Karuna Reiki Healing

Karuna Reiki is a specialized form of Reiki that was developed by William Rand. In this form of Reiki the Ascended Masters are invoked to assist with the healing, particularly those that embody Karuna, or compassionate action. The energy is soft and gentle yet it offers powerful assistance to heal deeply on all levels.

Karuna is a Sanskrit word translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as "compassionate action”. Karuna Reiki is often associated with the Buddhist deity, Quan.  One of the several stories surrounding Quan Yin is that she was a Buddhist who through great love and sacrifice during life, had earned the right to enter Nirvana after death. However, while standing before the gates of Paradise she heard a cry of anguish from the earth below. Turning back to earth, she renounced her reward of bliss eternal but in its place found immortality in the hearts of the suffering. 

Karuna Reiki can assist healing in:

  • Past life karma

  • Child or other abuse, traumatic memories

  • Unconscious patterns

  • Shadow self

  • Psychological or psychic attacks

  • Relationships

  • Addictions

  • Align with the higher self

  • Open to learning, creativity, communication, refine motor skills

  • Ground, manifest, set priorities, facilitate healing for humanity

  • Embrace personal Divine power, empower goals, heal the Earth

  • Build reality awareness

  • Create peace, trust life; heal insomnia, fear, panic; open to clairvoyance

Choose your Practitioner

“Karuna Reiki is simply LOVE. With love we can find the courage to heal the deepest wounds and find ourself.”

-Lori Steeves