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Advanced Crystal Dreaming
Advanced Crystal Dreaming is a specialized crystal healing technique which uses the power of crystals for profound emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. A crystal sphere is used to connect us with the crystal dreaming mandala formation. This technique opens your superconscious mind and facilitates a deep meditative state where you can perceive past life experiences and journey through all the dimensions. Your own body will "speak" to you and help you to unlock and completely release the origins of fear, pain, and trauma held in your own cellular memory.
Advanced Crystal dreaming allows the practitioner to navigate and support you deeper in the crystal dreaming process. It allows for the release and understanding of any challenge, blockage, relationship, work or home issue. The driving forces behind these challenges can be thoroughly explored and experience complete healing.
What can you experience through Advanced Crystal Dreaming?
Profound emotional, physical and spiritual healing
Pathway to the Akashic Records
Release of present or past life trauma
Release of phobias and fears
Release and understanding of re-occurring dreams
Release of blockages, stagnancy, including negative energies and entities
Understanding the root cause of disease or imbalance and receive guidance on how to achieve complete healing
Choose your Practitioner
Sierra North
Advanced Crystal Dreaming Practitioner
Sierra was one of the first students in the USA trained and Certified by Raym as a Crystal Dreaming Teacher
Lori Steeves
Advanced Animal Reiki Practitioner
Trained and Certified by Raym